Thursday, October 16, 2008

Freebies for Caledon Oxbridge...

After a lot of time, as this is nothing like I've done before, there are two finished gentleman's avatars on their way to Caledon Oxbridge. The clothing is relatively easy, simple pants, shirt, vest (in Caledon tartan of course), and jacket. A bit of an ascot at the neck, and shirt cuffs. The really hard part was to do the men's skins. Having never worked with photographs before it was a bit of a challenge to line up all of the features so that they would work on any SL avatar and not just the ones I created for this set. But, I think I can safely say that it was a success. And, without further ado, here they are...

The hair is only offered in brown for the freebies, but it will also be released in other colors very soon (as soon as I finish boxing the silly things ;)).

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Trick or Treat...

Halloween is my favorite holiday...well, excepting Hogswatch. Either way, I love Halloween, so Kleineschwein will be celebrating by having a bit of a treasure hunt. Starting October 30th at 12AM (midnight)SLT and continuing through November 1st 12AM(midnight) SLT, there will be items in small pumpkin packages in each of our shop locations. Of course, the best treat will be in the main store location ;). The pumpkins will be either obvious or hidden, and no, I will not give hints. In addition, Anyone who purchases any Kleineschwein items during this time period will be able to receive a second item of equal or lesser cost for free. Please visit the Kleineschwein main location in Caledon Eyre to pick up the notecard with all of the fine print. This treasure hunt is open to both Kleineschwein group members and to new folk, so please feel free to bring your friends! We will also be partying New Orleans style in the New Toulouse sim on Halloween, so join us, we'll be having a blast!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Skin Making addiction...

Sooooo, I haven't gotten to the tutorial writing yet... big surprise ;) Instead I was sidetracked by Eloh Eliott's .psd files and skin making. Was it easy? ummm, no. Was it fun? Heck yes! So, here is what I came up with...

... and this is the work in progress. It is what will be one of nine Chinese opera mask skins. As you can see, it is still just the rough, but the colors are in the right places.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Madam de la Mer has been unveiled!

Due to some unfortunate computer issues on Sunday I was not able to either attend or post about the unveiling of Madam de la Mer. The baroque gown that is sister to Madam de Pompadour Bleu. The top and pannier "poofs" are textured with a photograph of a stormy sea, and the black accents are a handmade satin. Like Madam de Pompadour Bleu, it has the ship adorning the wig, but unlike it, the gown's color palate is much more Spanish than French. The shape of the ship's hull is also changed and refined. So, without further ado, here is Madam de la Mer!

And here is the image used on the vendors....

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Treasure hunt at Kleineschwein Designs!

While I am waiting with bated breath for the pictures to come in from the show (which was amazing by the way) I decided to run a treasure hunt in the KS Designs main store in Eyre. There are three items marked down to $0L from their regular prices (ranging from $75L to hundreds of L$). I also moved some stock around to make room for more new things, and even have done a remake of an old favorite from the Kleineschwein line. The remake will be unveiled at the end of the treasure hunt, which will last from 12PM SLT on Saturday, July 12th until 12PM SLT on Sunday, July 13th. So, join me in the celebrations! Like as not, there will be fireworks ;)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Kleineschwein Fashion show coming up

In addition to the new pirate and mer pieces KSD has a fashion show coming up organized by SL Illustrated. I have been lucky enough to pair up with Nix Sands (Xcentricity) and Ayashi Bisiani (Skin Within genius). The show is set for Saturday the 12th at 1:00PM SLT. So please join us and see what we have in store :).

For a sneek peek of what KS will be showing, here is the Parisian Widow gown that was just finished yesterday.

Mermaids and Pirates!

Since restarting the KS blog, SL took another fantastic turn for this little piggy. My friend, and motivating artist, Nix Sands introduced me to a lady who is involved with a new Pirate sim, Morgaan Caewlin is her name. The sim is a tribute to Anne Bonny, one of the two real "Pirate Queens". Morgaan invited me to become a vendor in that sim and so I put together some brand new piratical pieces as well as a mer top and scarf set. And, since it was in short supply, the Boulles hair got a mer-makeover and a completely new set of textures.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

A new blog and a new feature

In the schizophrenic world of Jacquelin I suppose it is not a surprise when I let everyone know that my blog has had a change of heart...I mean address. Here I will pick up where I left off, and then add even more to my wee piggy heart's desire. If you have only found this, and have not read the few previous posts I had made on my previous blog, please take a look here...
It tells a bit about me, the me that is Jacquelin Seisenbacher in SL, and has some early goings on in my forrays into clothing design. Having come a long way in RL and with my skill set in world, I feel it is time to update things, and start afresh. So, here it is! The first main change is that I will be adding tutorials to my blogging. As tomorrow (Sunday, June 15) will be hosting the first part of a tutorial on how to make an outfit from the ground up, that will be the topic of the first tutorial. So, enough of the less than useful verbage, welcome to the Kleineschwein Pages and enjoy!